Categories Ideas For Interior Painting

Home Painters Near Me Search – Strategically Plan Interior Painting

Interior painting services on display

You have landed on my page because of your home painters near me search.  Here I’m offering some important things to consider when planning your interior painting project.  When it comes to refreshing the interior of your home, a fresh coat of paint can work wonders. Not only does it breathe new life into the space, but it also allows you to express your personal style and create the ambiance you desire. However, planning the painting of your home’s interior involves more than just choosing the right colors. It also requires strategic thinking about which rooms to tackle first and how each area contributes to the overall mood and feel of your home.

Home Painters Near Me Search: The Most Important Rooms to Consider First

When planning to paint the interior of your home, certain rooms should take priority due to their significance and usage. These rooms include:

  • Living Room: As the focal point of many homes, the living room sets the tone for the entire house. It’s where you entertain guests and spend quality time with family, making it essential to create a welcoming and appealing atmosphere. When choosing colors for the living room, consider neutral tones for versatility and accent colors for a pop of personality.
  • Kitchen: The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home. It’s where meals are prepared, and families gather to eat and bond. Opting for bright and airy colors in the kitchen can promote a sense of cleanliness and energy, enhancing the overall cooking and dining experience.
  • Bedroom: Your bedroom is your personal sanctuary, a place of relaxation and rejuvenation. Selecting calming and soothing hues for the bedroom can promote better sleep and a peaceful ambiance, contributing to your overall well-being.

Building Importance of Other Rooms: Home Painters Near Me

Once the key rooms are painted, it’s important to consider the impact of other areas in your home and how they add to the overall mood and atmosphere:


The bathroom is a space for self-care and rejuvenation. Light, soft colors can create a spa-like feel, while bold accents can add personality and style.

Dining Room

The dining room is where families and friends come together for meals and special occasions. Warm and inviting colors can foster a convivial atmosphere, making gatherings more enjoyable and memorable.

Home Office

With the rise of remote work, the home office has become an essential part of modern living. Choosing colors that promote focus, creativity, and productivity is crucial for maintaining a conducive work environment.

Children’s Room

When painting a child’s room, consider vibrant colors that encourage creativity and play while also allowing for relaxation. It’s important to create a space that grows with your child and reflects their personality.

Hallways and Entryways

These transitional spaces provide the first impression of your home. Use colors that complement the adjoining rooms and create a sense of flow throughout your living space.


The basement often serves as a multifunctional area, from storage to entertainment. Consider colors that can brighten up the space and make it feel more inviting, regardless of its primary use.

Considering Mood with Each Area: Home Painters Near Me

As you plan the paint colors for each room, it’s important to consider the mood you want to achieve:


For spaces intended for relaxation, such as the bedroom and living room, opt for calming colors like soft blues, gentle greens, and warm neutrals. These hues can help create a serene and tranquil atmosphere, ideal for unwinding and de-stressing.


In areas dedicated to work or study, such as the home office or a study nook, choose colors that inspire focus and creativity. Consider shades of green for balance, blues for improved concentration, or earth tones for grounding energy.

Entertainment: Home Painters Near Me

Spaces where you entertain guests, like the living room and dining room, can benefit from warm and inviting colors. Rich shades of red, deep yellows, or warm oranges can create a convivial and lively atmosphere, perfect for social gatherings.


When considering children’s rooms or play areas, embrace vibrant and playful colors. Think of energetic yellows, bright greens, and fun patterns to stimulate creativity and imagination.


For areas that connect different spaces, like hallways and entryways, choose colors that tie the rooms together harmoniously. Cohesive color schemes can create a sense of flow and unity throughout your home.


Keep in mind that versatility is key, especially if you have an open floor plan. Opt for paint colors that can seamlessly transition from one area to another, ensuring a cohesive and harmonious look throughout your home.

Conclusion: Home Painters Near Me

Planning the interior painting of your home involves a thoughtful consideration of each room’s significance and the mood you want to create. By starting with the most important areas and understanding the impact of colors on different spaces, you can transform your home into a personalized haven that reflects your style and enhances your lifestyle.

Categories Exterior Painting, Ideas For Interior Painting, News, Painting Ideas, Painting Techniques

How Color Can Affect Your Mood

Choosing colors to improve your mood.

It’s obvious to all that we have entered a very difficult time in the history of our nation. With the covid 19 resulting in a major economic downturn and job losses, we are all finding ways to conserve money. However, this does not mean that we need to ignore the maintenance and improvements that we have been planning for our homes even if it just maintaining through home painting.

Although many homeowners have recoiled from their home improvement plans. Many are now rethinking their decisions. As homeowners respond to their mood shifts for a less extravagant lifestyle, many are deciding to stay where they are and fix up their existing homes.

Being Critical Of Change Is Now Dissolving Into A Renewed Desire For Simple Changes.

As the economy slid into a recession this year (2020) and money became tight, many became critical at the suggestion that now is the time to spend money for major home improvement projects? Many of us were at the threshold of selling our homes and moving into something bigger, nicer, or newer. Suddenly the stark reality set in and is it wise to buy a new home now?

In The Present Economic Climate, Moving Every 5 to 7 Years Has Certainly Lost Its Luster.

Many are turning to fixing up their current home instead of moving. Homeowners are now evaluating the new economic playing field and have decided that it makes economic sense to stay where they are and fix up.

Some figure that since they are tired of the old place and are longing for something new, why not add some of the new features that you were planning for the new house.

They also know that any improvements that they do to their house now will pay off later. The economy will not stay in the doldrums forever. Home improvements will mean more to a prospective buyer when the economy turns the corner to more prosperous times.

The Benefits Are Obvious.

Many are finding some very important benefits for repainting and repairing their home during this economic climate.

1. A well maintained home increases the value of the home. Appraisers will tell you that per dollars spent, painting and repair will bring the largest return on your money

2. Painting the exterior of your home will reduce future repair cost. Paint stands as the sole protector between your house and the harsh environment.

3. Home painting and repair is much less expensive.

4. Home Painting can bring the biggest feeling of change at a very reasonable cost. When you compare the cost of painting to moving or making major renovations, painting can make the biggest impact on your homes environment per dollar spent.

5. House painting can dramatically improve the look and feel of the environment you live in. This environmental change can improve your mood, reduce stress, lessen depression, improves ones overall outlook of life during these difficult times.

6. Most folks are finding it therapeutic and fun to play with and plan a new look and feel for their home. Changing the look and feel of your environment will take your mind off tough times. It gives you an outlet.

Although moving to a bigger, nicer house has lost its luster for many people, planning a beautiful home doesn’t necessarily depend on securing financing or a rising stock market.

Sometimes you just have to start where you’re at and adjust your thinking a little. Become imaginative and dream a little. Good planning and a bit of imagination can make a big difference in a drab looking house. Make your home painting project an exciting time of change in your life and environment. It can definitely make you feel better.

Nicky Taylor is CEO of Painters Flair and offers an invitation to the above website for additional articles and resources. Nicky has operated a painting company, Painters Flair and home improvement company for 34 years in Atlanta.

Categories Ideas For Interior Painting, News, Painting Ideas

Painting Interior And Unifying Colors

Planning Interior Painting.
Interior Painting Ideas to Improve Unity of Color
By Nicky Taylor
Expert Author Nicky Taylor

I am often asked by homeowners planning interior painting for their home, if it is correct to paint the trim in a particular room a different color than the trim in the rest of their home. Many times the issue arises when they are planning a particular color, on account of a color they have seen in a magazine or while visiting a friends home. Maybe they’re trying to match colors in a particular fabric they are planning to use in that room. Anyway, the problem arises with what to do with the trim for that room. How do you work it into the existing color scheme of your home?

While there is no absolute rule about trim color, that if broken, would cause you to be arrested by the color scheme patrol, there are some things you should consider.

1. The trim and ceilings of your home are what establishes a unified look and feel throughout your home. You can change your walls to any color that you like, or that fits with the theme you have planned for the interior of your home. The use of one color on the trim and ceilings will give you a smooth transition between wall colors as you travel throughout your home. Without this consistency, your home takes on a feeling of disunity.

2. White trim and some off-white colors will go with any wall color. That is why it is so popular. It gives you much greater flexibility in interior color coordination and design. Deciding to paint your trim a color other than white will limit your decorating options; however, I have seen some marvelous color co ordinations while using more color for trim.

If you really want to change the color of the trim for a particular room, then test the color. Try to get a feel for how it will impact the rooms or halls adjacent to that room. Will it be completely separated by a door? Will the door be closed most of the time? If the room is open to other areas of the house that are easily seen, how will that impact the color theme for the other parts of your home?

You don’t want to put a lot of time and effort into painting a room if in the long run you’re not happy with how it makes the rest of your home look. Test the color on a door jamb or baseboard and then stand back and get a feel for what it does for unity of passage from other rooms to that room. It would be a good idea to wait a few days to see if you grow tired of the transition between colors. Often what we initially think looks good, loses its appeal over time.

Nicky Taylor CEO of Painters Flair And Our Painter Services

Categories Ideas For Interior Painting, News, Painting Ideas, Painting Techniques

Plan Ahead for Interior Painting

Painting services Marietta Area being provided by painter

Painter painting interior of room and touching up ceiling.

Thinking of painting rooms in your home can be exciting!  Planning to update your colors is exciting and can effect your mood. New colors can give you a fresh feel when you arrive home from a hard days work.  Painters Flair team is here to help you with the whole process from start to finish!

In our experience, the first thing to think of when reviewing your plans for your painting project is to determine which rooms are considered a ‘priority.’  Rooms in which you spend the most time enjoying your home or that are high traffic/use such as a kitchen or bathroom.  These should be considered a higher priority than others such as a laundry room or formal dining room that hosts meals around holidays or special occasions only.

The next thing to think of is your project budget.  During the estimating process, Painters Flair is able to provide a detailed proposal of your project. This will include an estimate room by room and surfaces and items to be painted.  This allows for us to work with you to help keep your budget and priorities on track.

Finally, think of your home’s schedule and the needs of those living under its roof.  Look back at the rooms you are thinking to have painted.  Ask yourself: “Can we go without using this room for a day or two?  And how would we plan around the work?”  Painters Flair can help you with this part of the project. Additionally, we are willing to work with your calendar and your home’s daily schedule to minimize disruptions.  Besides we can still do this while producing quality results for your home’s interior.


Categories Ideas For Interior Painting, News, Painting Ideas, Painting Techniques

Prepping Interior Before Painting

Our interior painting services Marietta includes great prep work before we ever start painting.

Drop cloths

As a painting contractor we know mistakes are an inevitable part of the job. Either you will drop a spot of paint or the roller will spray paint in places you do not want it. To deal with such mishaps the best idea is to be prepared for them properly before a painting begins. We use drop cloths big enough to cover most areas we are painting in.

Caulk base boards where there is separation

One of the first things we look for is trim separating from walls and trim.  Any areas that are separating we caulk.  This looks much better when painting is completed.

Use sheet rock mud on any dinks or cracks.

Nail pops, dents in the wall or cracks will receive sheet rock mud and allowed to dry. Then we sand these places to smooth out that area of the wall.  We also apply primer over the spots where we used sheet rock mud..

Use tape to your advantage

Paint rollers often touch the ceilings and walls where they shouldn’t, and cutting in with a brush doesn’t mean you will always have a steady hand. To prevent more paint ‘oops’, taping off the baseboard edges, and sometimes ceilings will allow us to work (and breathe) easier while painting.

Protect face plates and locks

We go over the room thoroughly before we begin painting and look ahead for potential problems. Unless you want your face plates to be the same color as your walls, we will remove them. This same rule applies to door handles and light fixtures. We cover well any furniture that is in the room and send out the dog and kids.

Do not leave painted footprints

If we have a spill or paint drops, we clean it up immediately. Otherwise, we will quickly have a marked trail through your home. Tracking paint is a contractor’s nightmare, so we take steps to prevent it.

Clean paint drops immediately

A wet sponge works wonders when used immediately on paint that has hit the carpet or floor. If our paint is solvent-based,  we use thinner to clean it up. We usually take an old sponge or rag with thinner and gently blot the paint spill. If paint ends up drying on the floor, we will most likely use a product called Goof Off. we will also use a clean cloth and generous amounts of hard work to dissolve and remove the paint from bare floors.

If we are using a latex paint, clean up will be easier and more successful than an oil based. We invest in  sharp edge razor scrapers, this tool is a big help in removing paint from windows and edges. Woodwork can be rid of paint spots using Goof Off and by simply covering the scraper with a thin cloth and gently going over the area.