When moving into your home you take a look around and remember all the wonderful reasons why this home is for you. But how about the walls? Are they already painted? Are they the colors you would choose for your home? Maybe they were not painted at all and they are all white. White is not bad, but is it warm, is it cozy, does it make your house feel like a home? If you know right away you want your walls painted then maybe it is best to do it before the Movers bring your furniture.
What you will want to do first is make sure the house has been cleaned, all corners, ceiling, baseboards, walls, windows. If there are any cobwebs or dust you want it removed, otherwise when you paint you will be painting it into the wall. Then you will want to sand out any bumps in the wall and fill in any cracks that may have been left from nails. Next thing you need to know, just as cleaning is easier when you start up and work your way down, so is painting, start up stairs and move your way down stairs. Also, start with the top of the room and work your way down, so you start with the ceiling, then you go to the walls, floorboards, windows, and doors last.
When starting with the ceiling, it is best to first paint where the ceiling and wall meet to outline the room, kind of like what you were taught as a child in a coloring book. Then using extra-long handled paint roller paint the rest of the ceiling in long straight strokes continuing all the way from one side to the other. Once it has dried completely apply a second coat.
Before starting on the walls makes sure the ceiling is 100% dry. It is best to wait at least 24hrs before moving from ceiling to wall. Now, prepare the room, using paint tape cover the edge where the ceiling and wall meet, and cover where the wall and either baseboard or floor meet. Also, do not forget to tape outlets, light switches and windows, unless you plan for all of these to also be the color of the wall it is best to prepare them as well. Now, start with the outline again, paint a strip where the wall and ceiling meet and where the floor and wall meet, repeat with where the windows are. Next using a paint roller, before the outlines dry, paint the walls, one at a time in long up and down strokes being sure not to make the walls look stripy. Once dry apply a second coat.
Painting the baseboards and windows, just like before you want to make sure the walls are completely dry, so this should be done on day three. Place the paint tape on the wall now to be sure the paint on the floorboard or window will not get onto the walls, also, if you plan to paint outlet or light switches this is a good time. Like everything else, do your edges first, and then continue to paint using a paint brush, not roller, once dry apply a second coat and move on to the door. Cover the door knob and paint the door, making sure to cover paint tape on any walls that may be connected to the door to ensure no paint gets on walls. And there you go, in just 3 days you have painted your home!
Toby Begley is a freelance writer currently writing out of Texas for Square Cow Movers. Square Cow Movers is the leader Austin Moving Companies, packing and moving any home providing great customer service with a smile.