It’s obvious to all that we have entered a very difficult time in the history of our nation. With the covid 19 resulting in a major economic downturn and job losses, we are all finding ways to conserve money. However, this does not mean that we need to ignore the maintenance and improvements that we have been planning for our homes even if it just maintaining through home painting.
Although many homeowners have recoiled from their home improvement plans. Many are now rethinking their decisions. As homeowners respond to their mood shifts for a less extravagant lifestyle, many are deciding to stay where they are and fix up their existing homes.
Being Critical Of Change Is Now Dissolving Into A Renewed Desire For Simple Changes.
As the economy slid into a recession this year (2020) and money became tight, many became critical at the suggestion that now is the time to spend money for major home improvement projects? Many of us were at the threshold of selling our homes and moving into something bigger, nicer, or newer. Suddenly the stark reality set in and is it wise to buy a new home now?
In The Present Economic Climate, Moving Every 5 to 7 Years Has Certainly Lost Its Luster.
Many are turning to fixing up their current home instead of moving. Homeowners are now evaluating the new economic playing field and have decided that it makes economic sense to stay where they are and fix up.
Some figure that since they are tired of the old place and are longing for something new, why not add some of the new features that you were planning for the new house.
They also know that any improvements that they do to their house now will pay off later. The economy will not stay in the doldrums forever. Home improvements will mean more to a prospective buyer when the economy turns the corner to more prosperous times.
The Benefits Are Obvious.
Many are finding some very important benefits for repainting and repairing their home during this economic climate.
1. A well maintained home increases the value of the home. Appraisers will tell you that per dollars spent, painting and repair will bring the largest return on your money
2. Painting the exterior of your home will reduce future repair cost. Paint stands as the sole protector between your house and the harsh environment.
3. Home painting and repair is much less expensive.
4. Home Painting can bring the biggest feeling of change at a very reasonable cost. When you compare the cost of painting to moving or making major renovations, painting can make the biggest impact on your homes environment per dollar spent.
5. House painting can dramatically improve the look and feel of the environment you live in. This environmental change can improve your mood, reduce stress, lessen depression, improves ones overall outlook of life during these difficult times.
6. Most folks are finding it therapeutic and fun to play with and plan a new look and feel for their home. Changing the look and feel of your environment will take your mind off tough times. It gives you an outlet.
Although moving to a bigger, nicer house has lost its luster for many people, planning a beautiful home doesn’t necessarily depend on securing financing or a rising stock market.
Sometimes you just have to start where you’re at and adjust your thinking a little. Become imaginative and dream a little. Good planning and a bit of imagination can make a big difference in a drab looking house. Make your home painting project an exciting time of change in your life and environment. It can definitely make you feel better.
Nicky Taylor is CEO of Painters Flair and offers an invitation to the above website for additional articles and resources. Nicky has operated a painting company, Painters Flair and home improvement company for 34 years in Atlanta.